Thursday, March 12, 2009

THE 2008 GOLDEN SCISSORS of cyber -championship.

This is the article by Clothilde Le Coz

"Most of the world's authoritarian regimes are trying to control what their citizens read and do online".

Overall winner :China
Citizen journalism allowed people to express themselves through different type of media. However, the Chinese communist party have deployed huge human and financial resources to prevent the freedom of expression online. Moreover, news websites have been put under the editorial supervision of propaganda bodies at national and local level. I think this is because internet becoming the biggest internet market in the world and also it attracts more and more foreign companies. For example, in 2008 in China was the Olympic games, the Chinese government opened the web for 6 weeks and then they closed it. From my point of view this is because the government wants to keep control of news and also information, which can be really important for the country, but it is still very strict, because in our days using the internet its already part of our life, even for searching information we are using internet also you can share your topic with people. 

Best Crackdown: IRAN 
Internet is playing great part in the Iranian society. Why its like that? This is the big question for me today. Lets see what is happened in Iran, 2006, from this year all websites have had to register with the authorities and access providers have to ensure that "banned" content is not published by their servers. Also, the net remains the vehicle of social expression and allows women to demand their rights. 
Online journalists who post articles on women's magazines are regularly brought before the Tehran court for questioning . That can be because the freedom of speech and also religious principles, they are trying to avoid different type of activities which make cause of trouble relates to the muslim religion. For example in 2007 arrested a score of male and female bloggers because of their online activities. 

Best Filtering: Saudi Arabia
Unlike China or Iran, the Saudi filters make it clear that the authorities censor the Web. As everybody know many websites dealing with social life, nearly 400,000 Web pages are blocked in the kingdom because of their "immoral" content, for example homosexuality or women's rights. I think this is because the religion as everybody know that Saudi Arabia is a muslim country and it even more strict than other countries, also in such a muslim countries gils are not allowed to having sex before marriage, so internet give kind of opportunity to look at the porno pictures etc . Great example of one of the Foud al-Farhan, who is blogger, he was arrested and taken to prison in 2007 for having posted a commentary on the advantages and disadvantages of being Muslim. Thats interesting because its difficult to  protect the society from using internet due to some advantages and also disadvantages make cause the problems. So, What do you think? 



  1. Hey Svetlana,

    it is really a big issue in China about the censorship as you mentioned.

    The Chinese State Media Department has produced a movie, which uses the same arguments as the Uni-Bombers Manifesto as to why the Internet is evil and suggests that the citizens remain in the real world not the evil Virtual Reality world of the Internet. The movie is called "Internet Teenagers," and it is now in movie theaters across China. The Chinese leadership is trying to keep the next generation under their control, although history and humans show that when you deny them something they want more and will find a way.

    The Chinese Government is suspicious of the Internet and how such communication might change their society and contribute to the distrust of their power. There suspicions maybe somewhat correct and this movie promoting the Internet=Evil seems to say that Censorship=Good. The Chinese Government knows that outlawing Internet or keeping up with all the websites which might be attacking to the government thru filters will not work anymore. They hope they can cause self-censorship of the truth and prevent the next generation from over turning their control. The Internet=Evil, now that is questionable indeed.

  2. Svetlana :D
    very interseting article to read, did you find it online? it's kinda similar to the one in the reader's book :p

    Saudi Arabia, China, and Iran are not the only countries restricting the freedom of speech of their people, indeed, if you have read the reader book, there are heaps (i suggest you to read it, it's a light reading and kinda entertaining, in the sense that these countries are so damn ridiculous)

    dont you think that people should be liberated from the restriction of freedom of speech? i consider restricting the freedom of speech and internet access as human right abuse.

    it is no different with mutilate one's tongue to make them mute and take out their eyes to make them blind (sorry for the harsh metaphore)

    well, to end this very long comment of mine, i just want to say, Love your article, and your english has gotten better, WOW for ur english :D, i really envy ^^

  3. Hi Sveltana, I like this article, I think it's really interesting.
    As Citra said, Saudi Arabia, Chian and Iran are not the only countries restricting of freedom speech. There is also Cuba, Burma,Vietnam, Zimbabue ect...

    I think that we can't go against it, beacause it's their religion and their culture.

    Maybe things will change in the futur! who knows?
